Nouvelle Publi dans Biology de Laurent PEZARD et al. - Equipe DNA
Alexandre Veyrié, Arnaud Noreña, Jean-Christophe Sarrazin , Laurent Pezard
Titre : Information-Theoretic Approaches in EEG Correlates of Auditory Perceptual Awareness under Informational Masking
Résumé : In informational masking paradigms, the successful segregation between the target and masker creates auditory perceptual awareness. The dynamics of the build-up of auditory perception is based on a set of interactions between bottom–up and top–down processes that generate neuronal modifications within the brain network activity. These neural changes are studied here using event-related potentials (ERPs), entropy, and integrated information, leading to several measures applied to electroencephalogram signals. The main findings show that the auditory perceptual awareness stimulated functional activation in the fronto-temporo-parietal brain network through (i) negative temporal and positive centro-parietal ERP components; (ii) an enhanced processing of multi-information in the temporal cortex; and (iii) an increase in informational content in the fronto-central cortex. These different results provide information-based experimental evidence about the functional activation of the fronto-temporo-parietal brain network during auditory perceptual awareness.