Timing, Action & Language workshop

Date de l'évènement: 
Lundi, 13 Mars, 2023

Timing, Action & Language workshop

24th March 2023 - Kate WATKINS

Kate WATKINS is Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, Dept. of Experimental Psychology and Tutorial Fellow in Psychology, St Anne’s College, University of Oxford. She is a resident research Fellow at Iméra and Holder of the ILCB / Iméra chair. Iméra, Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), Aix-Marseille University, 2 place Le Verrier, 13004 Marseille

Timing is essential for the smooth coordination of neural and motor processes involved in action execution.  The brain’s ability to time actions is related to the integration of information across sensory modalities and involves generation of predictive signals to anticipate future events.  Timing ability is essential for successful performance of movements in music, and dance, and for speech production and perception.  Intelligible speech requires precise timing of movements of the articulators.   In addition, the perception of timing cues in speech provides important information about meaning in language comprehension.  Understanding the role of timing in action and language production and perception can provide us with a better understanding of the brain processes involved, how the brain integrates information across sensory and motor domains and, ultimately, may inform interventions aimed at improving performance across a range of contexts and in disorders.

To conclude Kate WATKIN’s  research project and research residency at Iméra, the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) of Aix-Marseille University, Marie-Helene GROSBRAS, Jenny COULL and Kate Watkins are organising a workshop on the 24th March at Iméra to discuss the role of timing in the guidance of actions generally and in speech and language more specifically.  The aim is to bring together local researchers who are tackling these topics from different perspectives, in the hope of fostering closer collaboration and developing innovative lines of research.

The workshop will include several 30 minute presentations from members of the Aix-Marseille community who are working on at least 2 of these 3 topics i.e. timing and action / time & language / action & language.  If you are interested in presenting and/or attending please contact us by e-mail at kate.watkins@psy.ox.ac.uk.  Lunch will be provided for confirmed participants.

Programme here !

