Matthieu GILSON (INS, AMU)

Monday, 28 March, 2022 - 08:00
Date fin: 
Monday, 28 March, 2022 - 17:45

Biomarkers and anatomo-functional models for cognition and neuropathologies: 1) motivation in motor reaching task, 2) evolution of deficits following cerebral stroke.



Neuroimaging techniques are now widely used to study human cognition. The functional associations between brain areas have become a standard proxy to describe how cognitive processes are distributed across the brain network. In parallel to phenomenological measures, generative models of brain activity have been developed to estimate directional interactions between brain areas. I will present two recent pieces of work to illustrate this line of research: functional signatures from EEG signals in an experiment to manipulate the intrinsic motivation of subjects during a motor task; an application of whole-brain effective connectivity to predict cognitive deficits from fMRI data for patients after stroke. I will then discuss the extension of anatomo-functional models to neurophysiological signals like MEG or EEG to characterize changes in the brain coordination during cognitive tasks.

